Thursday, August 23, 2007

Juanita Bynum

This thing happens all the time. I guess it is not the people who are to blame but the law of physics. You must be wondering what the hell am I talking about.

Well, the law of physics says WHAT GOES UP, COMES DOWN. It's kind of applicable everywhere except on the moon. And then Thomas Weeks and Juanita Bynum aren't from the moon. Have you seen their wedding which was televised? Have a look at it at on Youtube, if you are free.

Okay, how did they fall? The preacher (is it really possible) was so angry, he pulled up his wife between two cars and kicked her so hard, the woman could even cry out for help. Just imagine for a moment that you are in her place. You've had the fight of your life with your husband and then this giant of a man pulls your coat, punches you in the mouth and kicks you so hard, you can't scream. And by the way, your husband is a preacher.


Wow, what a term: Aibohphobia. Any ide what it means. Well it means the fear of palindromes and guess what. Aibohphobia itself is a palindrome. Crazy, isn't it.

While we are on this, what's the fear of a beautiful women?Any guesses? Venustraphobia. I guess I have Venustraphobia for Paris Hilton.

What's the fear of cats called? Ailurophobia.

The fear of speaking? Laliophobia. (I guess I have this one)

What's the fear of long words called? That's an easy one.

Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia. I told you, it'd be easy.

Friday, August 17, 2007

Making sense of today

Can someone gain world media attention just for getting married? Yes you can. Look at Arun Nayyar and Elizabeth Hurly (what are they famous for?) and now the press is gaga over Henry Hager for getting engaged to Bush's daughter Jenna. One lady (Sonia Gandhi) rules the world's largest democracy (India) just because she married into the country number one political family.